

Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Round Hover Effect Css Menubar For Blogger

Simple css menu bar for blogger.Its include nice  hover style.You can add this to simple blogs and can link with main pages.menu bars, you ca do with easy steps. Follow these steps to add it your blog.

1. Log in to blogger account and Go to Design >> Edit HTML

2. Put checked marked in Expand Widget Templates

3. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F    ]]></b:skin>

4. Paste below code Before ]]></b:skin> tag

/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in/ */





background:url("") repeat-x scroll 0 -357px #E3E3E3;

border-bottom:1px solid #FFFFFF;

border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;





margin: 0px 10px;

padding: 0px;




#btrixmenu1 ul {

float: left;

list-style: none;

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px;


#btrixmenu1 li {

float: left;

list-style: none;

margin: 5px 0px;

padding: 0px 5px;


border-left:1px solid #FFFFFF;

border-right:1px solid #CCCCCC;


#btrixmenu1 li a, #btrixmenu1 li a:link, #btrixmenu1 li a:visited {



display: block;

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px 10px ;


font:bold 120%/20px 'Segoe UI',Calibri,'Myriad Pro',Myriad,'Trebuchet MS',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;



text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #FFFFFF;height:23px;


#btrixmenu1 li a:hover {


color: #fff;

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px 10px ;

text-decoration: none;

-webkit-border-radius: 5px;

-moz-border-radius: 5px;

text-shadow: none;


#btrixmenu1 li.current_page_item a{


color: #fff;

-webkit-border-radius: 5px;

-moz-border-radius: 5px;

text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #535F0C;


/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in/ */

5. Now Find this code  by using Ctrl+F <div id='content-wrapper'>

6.  Paste below code Before <div id='content-wrapper'> code

<div class='clear'></div>

<div id='xtremetipsntricksmenu'>

<div class='btrixmenu1' id='btrixmenu1'><ul>

<li><a class='home' href='YOUR BLOG ADDRESS HERE'>Home</a></li>

<li><a href='URL'>TITLE 1</a></li>

<li><a href='URL'>TITLE 2</a></li>

<li><a href='URL'>TITLE 3</a></li>

<li><a href='URL'>TITLE 4</a></li>

<li><a href='URL'>TITLE 5</a></li>

<li><a href='http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in/'>Add This</a></li>


*Replace Url With your URL
*Replace Title with as your like.

7. Now save your template
 you are done.

Transparent Blogger Menubar With Subscription And Fan Page

Actually menubar is important to blogger.This is newest menubar that helps you to increase your Feed subscribers and Facebook fans.And its transparent bar.It  will show bottom of your page.This is also
good ways to increase subscribers and fans.Follow these simple steps to add it to your blog.

1. Log in to blogger  Design > Edit HTML

2. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F   </body>

3. Paste below code Before </body> tag
<style type='text/css'>



background:url(&#39;https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjr7THq1fbAzPp28hbiLgHp8RPaElpA4FZ1jVCXw77fNlBi-5EwscZ-2w92lyXPahE6xT_n4bT0kwSckbHqgbzvlueq3tb6xCbCX5F3ue-KEndW2kP9KyQmBag95vScmdkeNOYhiKy9HRGN/s1600/ut-bg.png&#39;) repeat;


text-align: center;

margin:0 auto;

border-top: 1px solid #fff;










font-weight: bold;

font-family: arial,&quot;Helvetica&quot;;





#ut-sticky p{line-height:5px; font-size:13px; text-align:center; width:95%; float:left;}

#ut-sticky p a{ text-decoration:underline; color:#FFFF33;}

.ut-cross{display:block; position:relative; right:15px; float:right;}

.ut-cross a{font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;; color:#FF0000; line-height:30px;}


<div id='ut-sticky'>

<p>Get Latest Updates: <a href="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=bloggertrix" target="_blank">Subscribe Now</a> | <a href="http://www.facebook.com/xtremetipsntricks" target="_blank">Like Us Facebook</a></p>

<div class='ut-cross'><a href='javascript:hide_cross();'>X</a></div>


<script language='JavaScript'>

function hide_cross() {

crosstbox = document.getElementById(&quot;ut-sticky&quot;);

crosstbox.style.visibility = &#39;hidden&#39;;



4. Now save your Template

Lock a folder without software

1- Make a new folder ( name it as you like )

2- Inside this folder make a ( TXT ) file & copy inside it this (the entire thing) that is written below.

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

3- After u copy the Commanding go to
 line 23 (or try using shortcut- CTRL+F and type password to locate the line) u will find this word : password here (Change it with any password u like.) is :

if NOT %pass%== narnia1234 goto FAIL 
//so ur password here becomes narnia1234 .//

4- After that go to "save as" & name this file as "locker.bat "

5- Now back to the folder & u will find a ( LOCKER ) commanding. (locker.exe)

6- Double Click on it & u will find a new folder (Private )

7- Ok ,, Now copy what u want in this "private Folder" & after that come out of the folder, and Double click on locker again. It will open and ask if you want to lock your folder? Y/N ?

8- Type Y. your private folder will dissapear.

9- If you want to UNLOCK your folder ,go to (locker) & type your pass and you will see your private folder.

It not only hides the fodler, but incase, u unhide all files... and try opening it without entering password, it will take u to the control panel...
Also, if u want to store files on your Pen-Drive, u can use this script. No Software Required

Incase u delete your Locker file (just in case), then u can make a new one (but with the same password) and open it from that.

Alternatively, u can keep this locker file somewhere else, and when u want to open ur folder, only then bring it back to that place ..

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Batch file

What Is A Batch File?
A batch file is a MS-DOS file that will execute certain commands these files are usually made with notepad, Alot of people think batch files are nooby but if you know what your doing they can actually be quite powerful and by powerful i mean deleting a whole C:/ Drive.

Whats CMD?
Ok Now you know what a Batch File is you need to know what CMD is ok well cmd is basicly MS-DOS it is a program that allows you to execute certain commands, CMD is simply short for Command Prompt which is its full name.

How To Get CMD?
Ok now were getting somewhere here are some simple ways to create and run cmd
1.Start>Run>"Type Cmd" and viola (If That Dosent Work Try Typing cmd.exe)
2.Notepad>(type command)>Save to desktop as (anything.bat) just make sure it has the extension (.bat) open it and theres C Prompt.
3.Right click anywhere on your desktop>New>shortcut>(type command)>enter>and on your desktop is C prompt.
4. Simply Go Start>Accesories>Command prompt. Lol
5. Go To C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd

Tricks And Tips
Ok you now know the basics of your hacking journey, here are some tricks that you can use.

1. Shutdown Error
Ok this is a trick , when you click on this icon your about to make it will shut the computer down in the amount of time you set lets say 1min and you can leave a message, our message will be "You Got Owned".

To make this 1. Open Notepad, 2.Type Shutdown -s -t 60 -c "You Got Owned"
3. Save To Desktop As shutdown.bat (DONT FORGET THE .BAT)
4.You will now have an icon on yor desktop thats called shutdown.bat
5. Double click on it to execute and an error message will come up saying
"Shutdown Will Commence In 1min" and below that will be a message saying you got owned. Thank You That Is My First Trick.

(To abort, open another command prompt and type shutdown -a)

Shutdown Computers Over The Network.

To make this 1. Open Notepad, 2.Type Shutdown -s -m \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (IP Address)
3. Save To Desktop As (Anything).bat (DONT FORGET THE .BAT)
4.Double click on the icon and wait.
5. Now there is of course other ways of doing this, read the post on the front page,

you can also open CMD and type "Shutdown -i"
Thats My 2nd Trick Thankyou.

Batch File That Deletes Other Things.

This batch file will delete any file on your computer, be carefull now its pretty simple first of all
1.Open Notepad
2. Type
3.@echo off
del "Path Of File You Want To Delete" /Q /S> nul
4. Save as "Anything.bat"
5. Execute It.

@echo off
del "C:/Documents And Settings/Custard/Desktop/lol.txt" /Q /S> nul

Creating a pause in a batch file
Creating a pause in a batch file is not a complicated thing to do, basically all you have to do is
start writing your batch, then have your first command then go down a line and type PAUSE then -t xx (xx being number of seconds
then the next line continue with the rest of your code

Make Batch Files run on startup:
To make a batch file run on start up go to C:\WINDOWS\system32 then find the file autoexec, there may be different extensions to this file the main ones being .bat, .nt, or .exe, then open in using notepad, then edit it placing the word start followed by the location of the batch file (example: My Documents/example.bat) in the file then saving and closing.
Thank you, Enjoy,

Resize Images simultaneously with Multiple Image Resizer

If you have been looking for a batch photo editor then am sure that this tool will interest you a lot. There are situations when you need to resize lot many pics to the same dimensions and this is when we feel the need of batch image resizer.
The tool is called Multiple Image Resizer and using this tool you can do many things apart from batch resizing the pics. The main features of the tool are listed below:
•    Resize images
•    Rotate images
•    Flip images
•    Add single or dual borders to images
•    Add text to images (including file and EXIF information)
•    Crop images
•    Overlay / Watermark images with another image

The tool supports almost the entire image formats known to you and can not only perform the above listed basic functions but also can edit images in an easy way. It is able to open the images in around 31 formats while it can still save them into 16 famous image formats.
The tool is free to use and works well with both 32 and 64 bit version of Windows, however you will need the latest .Net framework installed in the machine.
The tool is pretty simple to use and have good number of options to use at the bottom of the window. You just need to select the option you want to use for editing the pic, and the menu will appear before you in the main screen.
Download Multiple Image Resizer

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Block Programs accessing Internet with Firewall App Blocker

One of the great features that Windows have is the Firewall which helps us in not only blocking the functionalities of the programs but also prevent them from connecting to the internet. This helps us in many ways as preventing a program from connecting to internet helps in saving internet data, helps in securing the system, preventing the program to download some unwanted stuffs and other things.
Any user can make use of the default Windows Firewall and block any program but the process of doing this is not that easy. It involves some complex steps like visiting the Control panel, opening up System Security and adding the program as an exception. Although you may find this process simple but it can’t get simpler than just dragging and dropping the tool to enable all the restrictions.
Yes with the help of this tool called Firewall App Blocker, you just need to do this only. Just download the app from the link below, run it to open the interface and drag drop the program to add to the block list. The tool contains only two main buttons, Add and Delete which works in a simple manner. You can also browse for the executable file of the program and click the Add button to add it to the block list. Clicking the Delete button will remove it from the list.
The program not only improves the Windows Firewall functionality but also enables you to block any program accessing internet at the backend. The program is free and simple to use and since it do not require any installation it can be run directly from the USB drive portably.
Firewall App Blocker is tested to work on Windows 7 both 32 and 64 bits, however on Vista and Windows 8 it has not been tested to work.
Download Firewall App Blocker

Social Network Sidebar Gadget For Blogger

Social Bookmark site helps to get more traffic to your blog.There fore we need some more followers for our social profile. By using this gadget you can link your profile with this gadget. Your users can follow you from your site. It include Facebook fan,Twitter followers, and Rss subscribers. you can do with easy steps. Follow these steps to add it your blog.

1. Log in to blogger account and Go to Design >> Edit HTML

2. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F    ]]></b:skin>

3. Paste below code Before ]]></b:skin> tag
#col2 {

float: left;

width: 320px;


.subcol {

width: 150px;


.subcol h2 {

font-size: 14px;

padding: 0 0 10px;

color: #999999;


#subscribe { background:#none; width:308px;  font-size:8px; }

.subscribe_icons { width:286px; margin:0px auto; }

.subscribe_icons li { display:inline; float:left; margin:0px 2px 5px 2px; width:52px; text-align:center; font-size:11px; }

.subscribe_icons a { display:block; padding:40px 0px 2px; -webkit-transition:all .2s ease-out; -moz-transition:all .2s ease-out; color:#444 !important; }

.subscribe_icons a:hover { color:#26b !important; text-decoration:none; -moz-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px hsla(0,0%,0%,.35); -webkit-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px hsla(0,0%,0%,.35); }

.subscribe_icons .subscribe_buzz a { background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3LUMpv1o-_uHPyshWmWVY1enQDv6V1pHqWyuYbq0yDrGCBPBpcjHkVAsp7M8Q-xgO_cbbtLPYvSfAUAX5mdwcmcQtjdhjK84GC8q-BX8VP3DzwMwKbwop5jMsLg-qfT9A6JeIv8zfoyo/s1600/buzz.png) center top no-repeat; }

.subscribe_icons .subscribe_twitter a { background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-zSu0XJBW90SgtH6U3mEQq3-DeNKUaPUCT7QHXNNqJTU-BIEs8v3eOUww68hAd8_wd3cdp1gTV7ch_1M9bf9Rk77QUHPSIpFXHR313EQVyT23Ntb49YCq3b-qRDDrDoK3XURieY7uYLU/s1600/twitter1.png) center top no-repeat; }

.subscribe_icons .subscribe_facebook a { background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgg2M-6Ec0GuKLWrF9FtamLEn7-Ky7M7lXQzBYLg89ubJecIUIXIDutmqUOvVctxCn8TIaZ5zRqM5fWypJP99i50LQDWHqTjSVdDgtpN9PdtDoVxEG5aIlMy7N2YUHvtsPWuHuZwrDUCnY/s1600/facebook1.png) center top no-repeat; }

.subscribe_icons .subscribe_rss a { background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhOWGad5bdD2YZvgqrvSrLFF0qm0Ln-GemTLjOBPqWyi8WwXp0Clu7Den7A0sJkOmwDdEtTqEHLgDHzA8SqnFhy9zPKUgrgQIWssazDBTMmtsT-E251gCjlD8dPeTW5BxVoI1jP6ZcwcGM/s1600/rss1.png) center top no-repeat; }

.subscribe_icons .subscribe_email a { background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjF81cIYdOQ0Y-HOc8seCFlQIgA66roheGQbNtRIbn8l32qp_7J0HJ4xp7-QBZRbKWgOWTNIUh1wbelYvoctvJfUKM8wnOHYjb7mgHI3L6PD5bAYzhc46Gvs3dBaWptqfPg6cF6ReRy2bc/s1600/email.png) center top no-repeat; 

4. Now Go to Design >> Page Element

5. Click Add Gadget and select 'HTML/Javascript'

6. Paste  below code.

<!-- www.bloggertrix.com -->

<div id='col2'>

<div id='subscribe'>

<ul class='subscribe_icons'>

<li class='subscribe_buzz'><a href='ADD HERE YOUR GOOGLE PROFILE URL' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Buzz</a></li>

<li class='subscribe_twitter'><a href='ADD HERE YOUR TWITTER URL' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Twitter</a></li>

<li class='subscribe_facebook'><a href='ADD HERE YOUR FACEBOOK URL' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Facebook</a></li>

<li class='subscribe_rss'><a href='ADD HERE YOUR FEEDBURNER URL' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>RSS</a></li>

<li class='subscribe_email'><a href='ADD HERE YOUR FEEDBURNER EMAIL URL' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Email</a></li>


<!-- End -->

Replace highlighted word with your URLs

7. Now save 'HTML/Javascript'
 you are done.

Add Cool Css Sprites Menu For Blogger

This is cool sprite menu style. It work with Firefox 3.5, IE 7, Chrome 3.0 & Opera 9.02 Its look very attractive.I include 4 style menu. You can make attractive your blog. Its easy to add it to your blog.Follow below simple steps.Earlier i created more horizontal menubars.

1. Log in to blogger account and Go to Design >> Edit HTML

2. Put checked marked in Expand Widget Templates

3. Find this code  by using Ctrl+F <div id='content-wrapper'>

4.  Paste below code Before <div id='content-wrapper'> code

<div class="bloggertrix-navi1">


    <li class="sm1"><a href="#"></a></li>

    <li class="sm2"><a href="#"></a></li>

    <li class="sm3"><a href="#"></a></li>

    <li class="sm4"><a href="#"></a></li>

    <li class="sm5"><a href="http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in/"></a></li>



*Replace # With your URL

5. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F    ]]></b:skin>

6. Paste below one of code Before ]]></b:skin> tag (choose a style as your like.)

Style 1

/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in */

.bloggertrix-navi1 {



    margin:30px auto;


    width:525px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul {




    margin:3px 0; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li {







    position:absolute; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li a {



    width:100%; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm1 {

    background-position:0 0;


    width:125px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm2 {

    background-position:-125px 0;


    width:124px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm3 {

    background-position:-249px 0;


    width:124px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm4 {

    background-position:-373px 0;


    width:125px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm5 {

    background-position:-498px 0;


    width:126px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li:hover {

    z-index:1000; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm1:hover {

    background-position:0 -75px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm2:hover {

    background-position:-125px -75px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm3:hover {

    background-position:-249px -75px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm4:hover {

    background-position:-373px -75px; }

.bloggertrix-navi1 ul li.sm5:hover {

    background-position:-498px -75px; }

/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in */

Style 2

/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in */

bloggertrix-navi2 {



    margin:30px auto;


    width:525px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul {




    margin:3px 0; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li {







    position:absolute; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li a {



    width:100%; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm1 {

    background-position:0 0;


    width:125px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm2 {

    background-position:-125px 0;


    width:124px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm3 {

    background-position:-249px 0;


    width:124px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm4 {

    background-position:-373px 0;


    width:125px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm5 {

    background-position:-498px 0;


    width:126px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li:hover {

    z-index:1000; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm1:hover {

    background-position:0 -75px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm2:hover {

    background-position:-125px -75px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm3:hover {

    background-position:-249px -75px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm4:hover {

    background-position:-373px -75px; }

bloggertrix-navi2 ul li.sm5:hover {

    background-position:-498px -75px; }

/*menubar by http://xtremetipsntricks.blogspot.in */
7. Now save your template
     you are done.

ClickJacking Attack

  • Definition :-
    "Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly innocuous web pages."  
  • Introduction :-

    "A vulnerability across a variety of browsers and platforms, a clickjacking takes the form of embedded code or script that can execute without the user's knowledge, such as clicking on a button that appears to perform another function.
    The long list of vulnerabilities involves browsers, Web sites and plug-ins like Flash."
  • How It Works? :-

    ClickJacking is a little bit difficult to explain however try to imagine any button that you see in your browser from the Wire Transfer Button on your Bank, Post Blog button on your blog, Add user button on your web-site, Google Gadgets etc.
    ClickJacking gives the attacker to ability to invisibly float these buttons on-top of other innocent looking objects in your browser.
    So when you try to click on the innocent object, you are actually clicking on the malicious button that is floating on top invisibly.

    In other words, the attack is thrown by a malicious web page embedding objects, possibly from a different site, such as framed documents or plugin content (Flash, Silverlight, Java…) which may lead to unwanted results if clicked by the current user (e.g. a “Delete all messages” button in your webmail or an advertisement banner in a click fraud scheme). Using DHTML, and especially CSS, the attacker can disguise or hide the click target in several ways which go completely undetected by the user, who’s easily tricked into clicking it in a more or less blind way.

    JavaScript increases the effectiveness of these attacks hugely, because it can make our invisible target constantly follow the mouse pointer, intercepting user’s first click with no failure.
    We can however imagine a few less effective but still feasible scriptless scenarios, e.g. covering the whole window with hidden duplicates of the target or overlaying an attractive element of the page, likely to be clicked (e.g. a game or a porn image link), with a transparent target instance.

    Examples :-
    • Malicious camera spying using Adobe's Flash.
    •  Flash, Java, SilverLight, DHTML Game or Application used to Spy on your Webcam and/or Microphone.

    • The best defense against ClickJacking attacks is to use Firefox with the NoScript add-on installed.

Adding Numbers For Threaded Commenting In Blogger

This Post will helps you to add numbers inside threaded comments.It will appear like 3, 3.a, 3.b, 3.c like that.To add this trick, you have to add threaded comments system for your blog.Im already provide screenshot for it. Follow these steps.
1. Log in to blogger account & Go to Design >> Edit HTML

2. Find this code  by using Ctrl+F  ]]></b:skin>

3.Paste below code Before ]]></b:skin> code
.comment-thread ol {

    counter-reset: countcomments;



.comment-thread li:before {

    content: counter(countcomments,decimal);

    counter-increment: countcomments;

    float: right;

    font-size: 22px;

    color: #555555;

    padding-left: 10px;

    padding-top: 3px;

    background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRpGVDQnPb9pqWrHFiZXXY694VLID_8MalrP_D1y3UugcBqo8dqBMA3lZTw84Lg9qU66EMJMtyuEY-Pjk04MeoPWMXsOop4lKvd8IkFyAKsn0ZlUBqypDluP-wDOHZAc9EOlLi_sM3qsMo/s1600/commnetbt.png) no-repeat;

    margin-top: 7px;

    margin-left: 10px;

    width: 50px;

    height: 48px;



.comment-thread ol ol {

    counter-reset: contrebasse;



.comment-thread li li:before {

    content: counter(countcomments,decimal) "." counter(contrebasse,lower-latin);

    counter-increment: contrebasse;

    float: right;

    font-size: 18px;

    color: #666666;


4. Now Click  Save Template.
    You are done...

Feature Rich Screenshot Capture Tool for Windows 7 and 8

Time and again we need to take the screenshot of the screen in front of us. Whether it is for some proof, or just downloading some image that do not have any download link, screenshot capture tool comes to rescue. Although by default Windows have a screenshot capture wizard known as Windows Snipping Tool but it is quite plain and don’t have much photo editing features.
If you are some kind of person who needs to take the screenshots again and again then here is some tool that will interest you. This tool is called Free Screenshot Capture and as the name suggests, the tool is free to use. What makes this tool different from others is that it is very easy to use yet powerful utility which has been found to work on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Not only capturing the screen, it can also help you in capturing webcam, pick colors from screen and identify them (color picking wizard will help you in identifying the color name without the use of any more tool). It also includes some other tools like screen protractor, screen ruler, screen magnifier which will help you in one of the other scenarios while working on the system. Moreover using these measurement tools you can capture the images accurately and within dimensions and angles.
One more feature that impressed me was the Screen Capture with Delay feature which actually allows you to capture the screen after the specified time interval. Sometimes we need to capture a screenie not instantly but after performing some operations; this will come handy in those situations. You can also use the capture screenshots for instant captures and also adjust the screen brightness with this tool.
In short Free Screenshot Capture is a feature rich utility that can come handy in lot of different situations.

Enjoy !

Friday, 17 August 2012

Make Money by Reporting Bugs And Security Vulnerabilities

This is news for all researchers, hackers and developers. Now the lot of you can earn money by doing what you do best, search for vulnerabilities in sites and programs such as Facebook, Mozilla and PayPal. The first company to ever introduce this idea to the masses was Mozilla and soon after, Google followed suit. Facebook was the next in line. All these major shareholders of today's internet services began offering $500 worth of bounty ages ago. As the time passed, they too have increased their rewards paying as much as $3000 and above.


Facebook has started to follow in the footsteps of Mozilla and Google by launching a "bug bounty" program where people who find and report bugs and vulnerabilities can cash in on them. The "Responsible Disclosure Policy" program, through which researchers and developers can report flaws in the website, can reward up to $500 and above.

According to Facebook;

"If you give us a reasonable time to respond to your report before making any information public and make a good faith effort to avoid privacy violations, destruction of data and interruption or degradation of our service during your research, we will not bring any lawsuit against you or ask law enforcement to investigate you."

Bugs that you can submit to Facebook:
1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
2. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF)
3. Remote Code Injection
4. Broken Authentication (including Facebook OAuth bugs)
5. Circumvention of Platform permission model
6. A bug that allows a third-party to view private user data

Basically, anyone can cash into this opportunity but to qualify you must:
1.Be the first person to privately report the bug
2. Reside in a country not under any current US sanctions
3. Must abide to the Responsible Disclosure Policy and
4. The bug found could potentially compromise the integrity or privacy of Facebook user data.

The following would lead to disqualification in the bug bounty program:
1. Denial-of-service vulnerabilities
2. Spam and social engineering techniques and
3. Bugs in third-party apps and websites and Facebook's corporate infrastructure.

To submit your report click here.


Bugs and vulnerabilities that you can submit to Google:

1. .google.com
2. .youtube.com
3. .bloggers. com
4. .orkut.com

Bugs that you can submit to Google:
1. Cross-site scripting
2. Cross-site request forgery
3. Cross-site script inclusion
4. Flaws in authetication and authorization mechanisms
5. Server-side code execution or command injection bugs.

The following would lead to disqualification in the bug bounty program:
1. Attacks against Google corporate infrastructure
2. Social engineering and attacks on physical facilities
3. Brute-force denial of service bugs
4. SEO techniques
5. Vulnerabilities in non-web applications
6. Vulnerabilities in Google-branded services operated by third parties.

Reward Amounts offer by Google:

Other highly sensitive services [1]
Normal Google applications
Non-integrated acquisitions and other lower priority sites [2]
Remote code execution
SQL injection or equivalent
Significant authentication bypass or information leak
Typical XSS
XSRF, XSSI, and other common web flaws
$500 - $3,133.7
(depending on impact)
$500 - $1,337
(depending on impact)

You can send your report to security@google.com.


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